Hello fellow zarpers, today I would like to generally discuss something philosophical, specifically Nozicks "experience machine". Its a rather simple thought experiment and I have no doubt alot of you are already familiar with it, but for those who are not essentially:
-Scientists have developed a wonderful "experience machine"
-Entering it guarantees a pleasure filled, "fulfilled" life
-Entering the machine erases your memory of your past life, but your new one is obviously in a simulation so no one in this new life is "real" and nothing you do matters as you are still in the machine
Nozick developed this to counter the hedonistic view that pleasure is the only good and it must be maximised (utilitarianism), and proposed that most people would not enter the experience machine as they seek more than just pleasure, e.g external states in the world such as our childrens happiness, or at least pleasure that is "in contact with reality".
I would like to have some input as to whether you guys would enter the experience machine or not (and also why or why not)