Nogtog wrote:
seggs wrote:
The simplest things can make my day perfect.
Only If I could be loved for once.
That would make my day a perfect day.
Get off the zarp forums and get working on those gains then bro
Whining about how no-one loves you won't solve anything. Put yourself out there and get yourself the mindset and the confidence to talk to people and develop relationships or improve current ones so you can feel like people are really there for you when you need them the most.
I have legit tried to best to be loved.
And every time I got rejected I have felt insecure about myself.
But because of Zarp I have been talking a lot more and I have gotten a lot of confidence because of this.
I might give it another chance someday.
EDIT: I cannot train because It will fuck up my body because I haven't fully grown yet.