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Who is testing the balance changes? The CC, LT, or both since if it's those there aren't any good/experienced players in both departments maybe you should release these changes to the public so the community can give their opinion and feedback. If they aren't disclosed with the community I feel it could it to items being overpowered or underpowered and since balance changes are far and few
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All testing is conducted by the Community Team, but we sometimes allow members of the Community Council to help out. In the case of the suits, I spent the week before last setting up a spreadsheet to calculate a "rating" for each suit calculated based on the statistics of the suit. In order to make sure that our changes are all balanced, we decided upon a "range" for each suit's rating to have to fall within, depending on whether it is a craftable suit or a special suit from cases.
Discord: thexnator
Former Community Owner: 2020-2022
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TheXnator wrote:
All testing is conducted by the Community Team, but we sometimes allow members of the Community Council to help out. In the case of the suits, I spent the week before last setting up a spreadsheet to calculate a "rating" for each suit calculated based on the statistics of the suit. In order to make sure that our changes are all balanced, we decided upon a "range" for each suit's rating to have to fall within, depending on whether it is a craftable suit or a special suit from cases. I still believe there should be testing waves where various people from the community can come on test the suits in different situations such as bank raids, pd raids, casino raids, nukes, and other situations where players would be found in those suits and every suit has a role they fill some such as the nano are mostly used for sneaking and countering EVOs, the jugg used as a tank and bullet sponge for gluon and 2.0 ammo, even though all the suits can fill each others roles some do it better than others |
Last Edit: 4 years 4 months ago by Blueperson.
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Butterman wrote:
Who is testing the balance changes? The CC, LT, or both neither man |
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