Hello, when I first started on Zarp there was no guide on what you should mine to get cash and that led to a lot of confusion.
Now that I know all of this I thought that I should made a spreadsheet of what to mine for newbz and pros alike.
I'll also probably make a little C++ program later down the line where you can just fill the current prices in and it will calculate it for you.
I'm sorry that this is a picture but the embed tables wouldn't let me use CSS and without CSS it would get all fucked.
My formulas are as follows:
Ruby cash per second
Ruby cash per minute
Ruby cash per hour
Ruby cash per day
Now for the metal: (I am assuming that you have craft anywhere on, if you don't, mine gems)
Metal cash per second
Metal cash per minute/hour/day
TL:DR: Gems are better most of the time.
Please reply with any question or critisism that you might have!
Voting would also help me a lot!