I am in the middle of trying to make a working HUD which shows just armor and health and the current minute but this is what I have got so far.
surface.CreateFont( "Font1", {
font = "Arial", -- Use the font-name which is shown to you by your operatorating system.
size = 100,
weight = 500,
blursize = 0,
scanlines = 0,
antialias = true,
underline = false,
italic = false,
strikeout = false,
symbol = false,
rotary = false,
shadow = false,
additive = false,
outline = false,
} )
hook.Add("HUDPaint" , "DrawMyHud" , function()
local Health = LocalPlayer():Health()
local Armor = LocalPlayer():Armor()
draw.RoundedBox(0,1600,1000,Health * 3,30,Color(225,120,120))
draw.RoundedBox(0,1600,1040,Armor * 3,30,Color(120,120,225))