Nah mate I don’t agree with the boom part at all because if you want to be technical “Boom” would mean an expilotion more than “Booom”. If you look up the definition of boom regarding an exlotion it will show you the correct word is “Boom” not “Booom”. I also don’t agree that just because you or anyone else can interpret it some way or another that it means that because it damn sure isn’t true.
I’ve seen many of high ranked members say things like “KYS on gta” do I just interpret that as kill yourself on ya grandmas ass ? Because that’s what you’re doing. Who else but me can say what it means? I’m the one who put it. You’re putting words in my mouth which is rediculous.
I can assure you that you have made a big mistake here and you have just shown the whole community it’s ok to abuse as long as you interpret it a certain way.
also regarding that post why was that kid allowed to call me names but I say somthing it’s worse ?
You forgot to include the part where me and the OP had a discussion and we talked about it being a miscommunication but I’m sure you wouldn’t of seen that because you probably just looked at deleted posts and that only got deleted recently by Xnator after he found out he fuckdd up.
Oh and the homophobia slur is used by the lead team on the regular. Also who knows when their post is deleted ? I post a couple dozen times some days am I suppose to go back and check them each times ? That part of the ethos is broken if that’s the case.