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TOPIC: Mutants

Mutants 11 years 11 months ago #13025

As we have all heard that people/admins have been saying: "You can arrest mutants", this is retarded you can NOT arrest mutants under any circumstances.

A mutant is wanted and you see him in sewers - when you see a mutant wanted in the sewers you walk, and DON'T ARREST THEM.

You see a mutant killing people above ground and he becomes wanted - you should do a "f1" request and tell a Admin/Mod what has happened and get the player wanted. If you are police and see this SHOOT HIM do not arrest him this would be "failrp".

As well if you are a mutant or a hobo you can build in the sewers but hobos are only allowed to get printers, mutants are NOT allowed to get printers.

As Police/SaS/S.W.A.T you are allowed to go on a mutant "extermination" as the sewers are public property but beware give time for the mutant to re-spawn and get permission from the mayor to do this. As well don't continue do this only do it once a hour (recommended). The sewer is also the mayors property that's why you get his permission.

Hope this clears it up mutants.
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Mutants 11 years 11 months ago #13129

Well, I do agree that arresting mutants or printing as a mutant sounds unrealistic(You can post in suggestions if you want to attempt to change this), but if the admins really say they can, then you should listen to them. There are no rules about it in the official rules topic, so if an admin says it's allowed/disallowed you should listen to him. Would be nice if a super admin or a higher rank will clarify this.
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Mutants 11 years 11 months ago #13161

As I said to another thread very similar to this, there is currently undergoing an admin meeting right now on Teamspeak, I've asked 2 admins to bring this up in the meeting so we can get a 100% answer to avoid this confusion.

I can imagine that the outcome would be that mutants aren't allowed to be arrested.
Since when could Police arrest some huge, big fuck off monster?

Since DarkRP.

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