spodermon wrote:
A Good Pianist wrote:
spodermon wrote:
finally, a cm candidate who's actually honest person and doesnt lie to the whole community
You trying to say Raeker is lying?!?!?!?!?
Maybe he was aiming it at certain previous cm members but who knows for sure all I know is currently the cm team is looking decent although captain f1reworks is a little meh
I feel i can fit in well if I actually obtain the rank and can put alot on the table
none of the cm's are honest. or atleast not completely. But especially i find raeker currently a dishonest person. One of the promises that he made was to be 'Completely' transparant, But if he was transparant, why is there not a single update status regarding the 'Big update' there arent any screenshots, teasers, or anything that would motivate the community to wait a little longer. And to add to this, any higher up claiming that the update is comming out is considered in mine and alot of members to be straight up lie. Unless proven with evidence, which i suppose is never going to happen.
I've stated to be as transparent as I can be, not "completely transparent" because I know (and when I applied for CM, knew) that "complete transparency" is impossible.
Chute likes to shroud his updates in secrecy. I cannot change his processes nor can I change how he approaches the community when it comes to updates. I can, however, be clear about the process that I personally go through regarding the update, and I have repeatedly stated both publically as well as privately what those processes are. There are plenty of people to whom I have proven that an update is indeed in the making who can defend me in that regard.
There is evidence - plenty of it - but I cannot send it to the community at large because I know how Chute approaches his updates. I'd rather send that evidence to a select few that I trust will not send it out (also, those that actually ask for it - rather than a group of people that whine on the forums endlessly), to at the very least keep the dream of the update alive up until the point where it is indeed actually finished.
I can confirm that there's been a lot going on regarding the update that is completely outside of the CM team's control. It's not Chute's fault that the update was delayed, and I've tried everything myself to see if there was anything we could do to at the very least satisfy the desperate need for an update that the users are experiencing.
Basically what I'm kind of coming to is that I try to help those that I consider a friend and that I know will appreciate the update. I do not help those that complain needlessly and that, at this point, are only a shadow of their former selves within the community.
You cannot understand how dissapointed I am in your behaviour Spoder. I used to think you were better than this, because if you were you would have definitely been on my list of people to keep updated about the update.