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Okay, so, in the last month i have helped out multiple people on how to make a roulette wheel, in-game and on the forums. So i have decided to make a topic about it so you don't have to pay some A-Hole millions just so he can explain you this in 3 minutes...
First of all, you've probably seen the Axis option has been made SA/HA only, and you are asking yourselves, "How is that guys wheel spinning". Well, luckily, a different kind of Tool was added which contains the Axis option in it. Ok so let me explain step by step. 1. Take out the toolgun 2. Hold Q to open the "Spawn Menu" 3. On the right side should be a whole list of Tools/Options 4. Find "Precision" and select it 5. A new tabel should pop-up with 5 additional options: Move, Apply, Weld, Axis, Rotate. Select Axis 6. After selecting Axis you should find some additional options below, the important one is "Axis Friction". The optimal friction is between 0.10-0.25 (If Axis Friction isn't set the pointer/wheel will spin for a long duration) 7. Spawn props which you are ready to Axis together 8. First, precisely lock onto the point of the wheel/pointer you are about to Axis using E, after doing so, press left-click to select the prop. Then precisely lock onto the desired spot on the table also using E and left-click on the table, left click again (anywhere) to confirm the Axis process. 9. Unfreeze the pointer/wheel using your Physics gun |
Last Edit: 6 years 5 months ago by Mr. Richard.
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you were expecting a signature, too bad. 西兰花共同拥有者
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Instructions unclear, it made my jugg disappear.
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