dingofetch wrote:
Yung Henny wrote:
dingofetch wrote:
Yung Henny wrote:
dingofetch wrote:
Yung Henny wrote:
The freer the market the freer the people
It generates generational cycles and doest reward the most important jobs in society
Absurd statement considering economic inequality provided by the free market provides those with higher skilled jobs better pay. It allows people incentive to overcome their economic hardships and provides them plenty of opportunities to make live better for themselves. Its up to them rather than the state.
In free market capitalism you end up with having 1 percent of the population owning 90 percent of the wealth. This is because of big businesses. It is good for a few but bad for everyone else. IT also leads to extreme inequality putting poor people in economic situations which are hard to get out of.
The 1% own most of the wealth, but most of society is still better off than if we had a more left leaning economic system. Once the government gets involved with the economy, it causes people to become reliant and lose the profit motive which would further drive them to better themselves. To say "extreme inequality" is quite baseless, as the people have the power over the economy, and if they disagree with wages they can simply chose another, more worthwhile job.
While I completely disagree with that very inaccurate statement, the fact here is the concept of a 'free market' is false in and of itself. A free market follows rules and regulations that say who can and cannot receive loans. This leads to further inequality in classes as those with more wealth receive the greater advantage and further the separation, anxiety, and hatred that occurs in society between classes. The free market is not free at all. A free market would be available to all free citizens.
There is no individual, corporation, or government which holds the citizen back as their is low regulation within the economy. Which rules dictate, in a free market economy, who can and cannot receive loans? A free market is available to all citizens as all citizens have equal rights to start up private institutions, choose where they work, and can decide on whether or not their work is treating them as fair citizens.