Reminder about deleting own posts
6 years 10 months ago #889978
If you are the original creator of a topic, please do not delete your original post using the 5 dashes method, it will keep the rest of the posts and just change the original poster to whoever posted after you, which means that forum staff will see a post which seems to be completely random, and could get some people in trouble for nonconstructive posting.
If you want your full post deleted, rather than just a single reply, contact the relevant forum staff member and they will be able to help, though it is fine to delete your own posts if it is just a single reply.
Just a reminder, as this makes our lives easier as forum staff, and will help to avoid any mistakes leading to people being falsely published.
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Reminder about deleting own posts
6 years 10 months ago #889986
Repeatedly deleting your own original thread posts will lead to a forum ban of your own. Regardless of what you delete, forum staff will still be able to access and see what you have posted.