So most of you in the community may not know who i am but for the one's who do you will know i have some what of a mixed reputation,when i resigned and left i decided to be immature and childish about it when all i really had to do was leave, the silly acts i committed whilst leaving tarnished my reputation and left some of you with bad memories of me and i would just like to apologise for all the time i made the staff waste, you don't really need to forgive me if you don't want to but i felt like i needed to get this of my chest, i still may come back one day, i might not, i just hope that if i do the new staff and old will see me for what i used to be rather then when i left the community. As time has passed it made be reflect on some of the bad things i did and all i ask is that if i come back i have a clean slate with everyone we leave the past in the past.