Nafe wrote:
Gurren Lagan wrote:
What are you trying to achieve with this thread? would you rather allow non-stop racism in this community?
i am trying to notify the lead team who never listen that their staff do not understand the concept of racism and this new rule with cause false bans to be thrown out left right and center.
Alright I can understand that some situations might be controversial.. But speaking about that 'one' word. I've read that some people actually believe it is 'okay' to use it in a certain way. Well, I am here to say it is not (whether you would loophole it or not). this word is absolutely a racist term, as it stems from a time where the N-word was used to describe black people. The people at that time, actually thought that those with a black skin couldn't be considered as 'human'.
Even now you don't know whether someone gets offended by it.. Plainly using that word means you do not consider other people around you, it's just anti-social.
EDIT ( for arguments sake): I dont give a flying fuck if someone personally calls me out with that term. It's just that I know for a fact that there are ENOUGH people who actually get offended by it.