I recently got back into Siege and I am looking for some Gold / High Tier Silver players who I can play with, my only other requirement is; please speak English and please speak it clearly...
Literally all I want is a group of people who mainly play Rainbow Six and I can chill with, I do not really care about my rank but I am not okay with playing with low level players who are just gonna let themselves die
I also make a Discord server at some point that you can join and let us communicate on.
I am currently juggling Gold III and IV and my uPlay name is; NafeXVII
[b]UPlay Name:[/b]
[b]Steam Profile:[/b]
[b]Discord Name & #Code:[/b]
[b]Competitive Rank:[/b]
[b]Account Level:[/b]
[b]K/D Ratio:[/b]
[b]W/L Ratio:[/b]
[b]Extra Comments[/b]