black_pigeon23 wrote:
i fucking love this server more than my unborn child, i paid more than 2k dollars just to support it, and get a permanent p2w status on this server, become h8d, but at least based god recognized my efforts to support zerp. the 1st server used to get like 70 players at one point, but for some reason, now it's getting 30 even though shit's all gud...kinda..i mean some admins don't care about doing their thing, but still, there are way more active admins that love zarp and want to help in any way that they can.
i just really hope that zarp gets all the love, support and fame it deserves. u can h8 me all u want, but i fking love u guys.
Very cute of you to say but considering you barely why do you even care? Sure adult life and stuff but if you don't play why care?