AceInsidious wrote:
SyStem wrote:
I get that you joke around with each other, but do you really need to use such words??
We have players that are underage, and you use harsh language. We shouldnt be doing that,
we need zarp to be a better place for everyone. Dont learn the young people bad words
We also have baby's playing gmod right now? I already knew a shit ton of bad words on the age of 8-9 or something lol. Kids don't play at that age (I hope)
That is very true! But still, i know for a fact that if some parents of the current users saw what kind
of language was being used around them, that they would take away their computers!
I know the internet is a bad place for people, but we shouldnt try to become like others to harm people.
Just think about what the averege teen is saying on zarp.. Its insane