I'm actually being serious this time, I am sorry, I've taken shit too far and at this point I am just looking for a ban more than anything, thinking through my actions is something I do need to do more, but when I am in the heat of the moment I will do / say anything to get a laugh, a reaction or whatever it is I am looking for.
In the most recent situation, I took it way too far on both the forums and Steam, I said something that for the first time I actually went beyond what I normally do an just absolutely lost my shit and messaged TheXnator on Steam some rather rude and offensive things. What I said included racist words, very offensive things about LGBTQ people in which I named it LGBTABDCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ, obviously it's not that but still, could be seen as offensive. I'm not going to post the whole thing even though a lot of people have seen it already as I thought it was funny to brag about it to others.
I don't expect to stop saying the word "Tranny" any time soon as I don't find it offensive and I know it's slang however I will not be using it against those who I do not consider friends or I know will be offended by it.
I also want to apologise by Deathrazer123 although you probably weren't aware of this situation until very late I said some pretty shitty things about you and I am sorry for that.
I do intend on taking a break from SSRP until I am un-banned and whatever, stop breaking rules, re-apply and rebuild my image as I rather enjoyed the positive attention I received as an Admin, the negative attention isn't as fun and it just makes me look worse.
Again, sorry for saying fucked up things, I will work on changing.
I do not intend on changing the way I talk as that's not the way I do things, I'm still going to use profane language an obscene amount, nothing is changing there it's just the way I talk.
If I offended you in anyway just add me on Steam and I will be happy to sort it out there.