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Pretty funny got banned becaus some kid made an ban appeal on me and it got accepted while they dont know the full story
he was keep rdming then we Revenged and keep killed him becaus even if we stoped he was re-rdming us, Pretty shit that u can just rdm x10 then stop rdming and start recording and watch him kill u back so u can ban him and it works 100% |
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If you feel that you were wrongfully banned, you can appeal your ban here: zarpgaming.com/index.php/forum/appeals
If you feel that the staff member who banned you was not handling the situation correctly, you can make a report against them here: zarpgaming.com/index.php/forum/report-abuse Complaining about it here isn't going to get anything done, you will have to make an appeal / report and follow the appropriate template if you want anything to happen regarding this. |
Discord: thexnator Former Community Owner: 2020-2022
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