Nutzu3650XL wrote:
dude im an older player and all i want is the old gauss rifle so i can destroy rp houses easier without getting caught
Chuteuk wrote:
We always try to be as transparent as possible
No true
Lewis. wrote:
I play zarp and 1 other server due to the fact they are different. Normal servers are shitly made and what i could do myself without any Lua knowledge
Yeah and I could build a fully heated house without any building knowledge or skill.
Actually he's right you can make those shit little YouTube tutorial DarkRP servers with little to no lua knowledge.
Pariz wrote:
Sada wrote:
Pariz wrote:
I still don't get it tho. How can people be mad a chute for no summer update? You guys have no idea what happened to the update, and im starting to get a bit mad here. Because i personally used alot of work into the summer update, and chute did aswell. It was not because Chute was too lazy at any point. We choosed it was a way to big update and theirfore not suitable for zarp servers. It was our fault that we took to the next lvl. But please dont blame chute for not doing anything, because we actually worked hard on that update. Keep that in mind
It’s not even that the update didn’t come out , it’s that the owners weren’t being transparent and left us in the dark, not even giving us a reason to why it wasn’t out , but hey man , you keep gagging
I dont see why chute should public that? We were all very sad that our plan did not work out as planned. I don't see any point on saying why it didnt work out, as that would just create alot of drama in my opnion. You should just be thankfull for the updates instead being mad man.
You are actually pretty wrong there, if they made a thread apologizing for the update not coming out after teasing the update for so long and explaining why they couldn't then people would be a lot happier but we got no explanation at all and so ppl got pissed. So if Chute did actually "public that" then it probs would have been better overall.
On the whole though I agree with Pegasus that ZARP is way better than the average DarkRP server and I'm sure the majority of the community also agree but sucking dick doesn't help it get any better, criticisms do.