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>Its 1:12PM, im sitting in 5th hour and I see my buddies facetiming one of my friends
>Leave Class to go to his locker, where he is facetiming from >Go up to him >Steal his phone and run off > I see my room that I have to go to, and I open the door and run in > Sweetvictory.jpg >Shit >I ran into the wrong room >I ran into the special-ed room the end |
♿JAYHOUSE BEST GANG♿ Ex-SSRP Super Administrator Ex-Prophunt Administrator Ex-Murder Moderator Ex-Bhop Moderator Ex-TTT Moderator Ex-Teamspeak Staff Ex-Wiki Contributor Kapi,Clarky,Blockedass,Corgi,Getzco,,Dady SORLE! ! ! !!!! ! ! ! NAREXA !
Last Edit: 7 years 1 month ago by Spicy.
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Plot twist - It turns out he was transferred to the special ed class and everyone welcomed him
Ex Minecraft Server Owner
Ex TTT Super Administrator Ex SSRP Administrator x2 Ex Deathrun Moderator Ex Murder Moderator
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