I just want to thank everyone for wishing me a good happy birthday today and for my time here. I joined ZARP 1 year ago and it has been a massive year for me. From being a new user I've been quite surprised with how far I have gotten. Deathrun was the first server I ever joined and from then it has been a tremendous year. I joined when I was 14, 7 days later from signing up on the forums I turned 15 and from then it's been a really good fucking year. I appreciate everybody's support and I hope to continue forward with everyone.
Main Thank Yous:
Tyler/Legendary Soldier
BiWx Voorhees
Don't feel bad if you aren't on this list. These are the people who have tremendously supported me since my time here.
I appreciate everyone's support but those above have supported me a for a long time. I appreciate it from everyone.
I turned 16 from today and I am happy to spend it with you all today and forward on.