Morgan wrote:
Sounds like I have heard this before
ParaMontana wrote:
Some Of Our Plans For 2017:
Creating a safer and closer environment for everybody
More Features For VIP
More Pointshop Items
The Forum and Teamspeak Ethos
Work to improve how staff communicate with users.
Improve how staff are trained to make sure they know how to handle the ranks.
Further work on developing staff to make sure they develop in a positive way.
More guidelines for staff conduct that can be viewed by the public.
Reviewing and rethinking how the current staff ethos functions and where it applies.
Improve the gameplay systems such as skills and gangs to make them more meaningful.
Im all for supporting you two but at the moment I'm a bit on the fence due to last years "cm duo" with more plans not being done than being done. How do we know you will follow up on what you say? Because if I support a duo for the second year running and it turns out to be false plans it will be extremely disappointing. Because I supported para&tyler for 2017 cm's and I have seen no new features for vip, forum and teamspeak ethos seem like they are still missing, the staff team have been in the worst spot ever this year (in my personal opinion) and the team is/was falling apart with all staff against each other along with lead team bullying staff (chummy), not creating a safer/closer environment due to how many people have been doxed this year and how fucking rude para has been to some people over the year to not just me, with many many failed "plans" that look more like lies to get into power. I would like to hear how you are going to follow up your plans if you are voted into power before I support your campaign.
Best of luck fellas :3