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ty love u long time <3 Delete 3 minutes after pls xd |
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Thought you quit....?
Former ranks;
SSRP Super Administrator TF2 Super Admin Teamspeak Staff Discord Administrator Appeals/RA Section Forum Moderator Deathrun Administrator Need to contact me? Click here! Ezeh#4745
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Ezehzz wrote:
Thought you quit....? Never said i quit meming?nah i just wanna cf alot And buy boosters for money xd Bassicly wanna join the competition 30B+ inbound xd |
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[center][b][color=#dd2423]Name - What is your ingame name?[/color]
[color=#dd2423]STEAM-ID - What is your STEAM-ID?[/color]
[color=#dd2423]Admins name - Who banned you/who might it be?[/color]
[color=#dd2423]Reason - What is/might be the reason that you got banned?[/color]
[color=#dd2423]Server - What server did you get banned from?[/color]
[color=#239edd]Zarp DARKRP Semi-Serious Roleplay
[/color][color=#dd2423]Time - How long were you banned for?[/color]
[color=#239edd]4 weeks, Now 2 weeks 8 days i belive,
[/color][color=#dd2423]Story - What happend?[/color]
[color=#239edd]So, this started out from where my other ban appeals left off,
After that i got a warning for "Mass RDM", What happend was me and a friend were nuking and we had a invalid dupe, We shot anyone that came into a district when we couldnt own all the doors to that district, We then got instantly warned, Now for the main reason i got banned was because when i was having a shit day i went onto S3 to AFK mine, When i got onto the server there was a fuckton of mass rdm From Niko and his friends who were the people who got me banned, They ripped my gluon and hc, Don't ask why i had rthem out i just did. In which i proceed to kill them around about 2 times each and prop trap them for about 30 secodnds,
See i'm extremely sorry for my actions i know it might not seem it but it's true
Thank you for reading my appeal[/color]
[/center][/b] |
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Locked, thanks Clarky!
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