I am not trying to make this an advertisement because I and no one else is getting a monetary gain from spreading the message so I am just here to make you guys at zarp aware of this because if Net Neutrality is repealed it will affect everyone.
Hey Guys, I am back and I want to spread a message, the chairman of the FCC is very likely to announce a vote to gut neutrality, possibly as soon as Nov. 22nd. Once a vote is called, it will become much, much harder to stop ISPs from charging us extra fees to access sites like Reddit and many other platforms, and controlling what we see and do online by throttling and blocking sites, apps, games, and streaming services.
But there’s still hope. The most effective way to can stop this is by driving as many calls as possible to our Senators and Representatives, now through Nov. 22nd.
We're getting word that there are lawmakers who are sympathetic to our cause and considering taking action to slow the FCC down, but they won’t act unless they get more phone calls from constituents.
Please, head over to
www.battleforthenet.com and give your Senators and Reps a call telling them to stop the FCC from slashing Title II net neutrality protections. The time to act is now.
We also have ready-made banners, models, and graphics of various sizes here:
Mods can remove if you feel it is breaking the TOU but as far as I am seeing I am just spreading the message.
Thanks, Have a great day and Christmas.
~Your Pal, Luan