Polsee wrote:
I just wanted to get something off my chest becuase this has been bugging me for awhile. I've already spoke to some people about my opinions on the whole situation, however I wanted to express it here as well. To be clear, this is just my personal opinions, so some people might disagree with me and that's totally fine.
Annie and Sarah, a very interesting choice... I have nothing against them, I just don't think that they deserve being owners. Don't get me wrong, they're both great staff members but they don't have any experience with servers (At least to my knowledge). I just find it weird to choose someone who doesn't know how to manage a server. They're both great at managing the staff team but that's basically it. The idea of a owner is someone who manages the server, adds new content and keeping the server in a "healthy" state. I don't think they're capable of that. I could be wrong here, they might surprise us in the future. Again.. No hard feelings but I just don't get it how Sarah was the best candidate for this position. She haven't been active for a while and I don't recall she have done anything for the server. This applies to Annie as well although she hosts the meetings and that's what she does.
JJ and I had planned an update for the server which I was going to implement on the server because most of the staff team was expecting me to get owner. I have a lot of experience with game servers and I have some basic C# knowlegde but I can't really make a script from scratch. Well at least not something useful for the server. I made a lot of changes to the new deathrun gamemode and fixed some issues as well. So I know how to change some coding and that basically it but that's better than not knowing anything at all. I'm aware that we have developers, so it's not necessary to know any coding language. I've also been fixing maps for the server for quite some time now, so I've at least tried to improve the gameplay on the server.
I feel like this should've been done in a different way. It could've been done similar to how they pick the community manager. Make a list of the suitable candidates and ask them if they would like to become the next owner. Then hold an interview for each of the candidates, ask them what they're capable of and then proceed from there. That would've been much better and would've been better for the server.
In conclusion they're probably gonna do an excellent job and I could be completely wrong but I don't think they deserved it compared to other candidates.
I already explained to you that that update means very little if you don't give it to the CM team. You can complain now stating that you had everything ready, but it's still a fact that if they don't know about it they won't take it into account.
I've also explained that your continuous inactivity on Teamspeak is the primary factor for you not getting this promotion yourself. Only for these past few weeks have you only been showing up, which is great and all, but Annie as well as Sarah have continuously spent their time on the Teamspeak as well as on the server helping around and improving the relationships between all the staff members.
Aside from that, both you as well as Annie received an official for inactivity not too long ago. Both of you have improved on that front, so it's not a large issue, which is why Annie did in fact get owner.
SarahAnne has amazing lead team capabilites, helping the staff team improve and solving issues when they arise. I've noticed that myself after having spoken to her for many months now. I've spoken to you as of recently as well, and although I'm sure you do great, I've not noticed the same kinds of talents that I've seen from her. At least, not yet.
It's also a fact that Sarah has one of the longest staff experiences out of all of the Deathrun Lead Team members, being a former Deathrun Administrator before returning to the staff team. Not just that, she's always had good relationships with the community as well as the CM team. I know for a fact that that is what the CM team have seen from her as well, which is why she's been on their list for a possible promotion to Server Owner for a while now. In fact, had it not been for the fact that Sarah stated she did not have the time to run the server on her own, she would have owned Deathrun herself.
Annie, despite her being a Head Administrator for months now, still has a lot to learn. But her continuous dedication as a Lead Team member as well as her improvements over the last few months have shown a lot of trust and capabilities that are expected from a Server Owner candidate. With Sarah to guide her by her side, I am not worried for Deathrun's future in the slightest.
Now stop being a salty bitch stating that "there are better candidates." If you'd know the process of what goes into deciding who should be a server owner, you'd know you wouldn't have had any chance yet. Your activity has lacked in the past and I do not believe you've shown yourself enough yet to the community to warrant a promotion.
And once again, using the argument of "I've got an update for Deathrun", nobody from the CM team was aware of this. It's sad that you weren't able to contact them, but extremely arrogant to still suggest that the new owners don't deserve it when you've definitely not tried hard enough to even get the CM team's attention in the first place.
Now is exactly the time when you should show yourself as a great Lead Team member. Why? Because despite your disagreements with certain choices, you can now yourself to look past that and try to improve the server instead. And if you instead show yourself as an arrogant asshole who would rather have a promotion himself rather than improve this server, then you don't deserve a promotion to owner at all, let alone a Lead Team position.