Basically for those that don't know a couple months backs I was a huge cunt to many high members of the community and here is my apology to those I feel I have effected the most and for those who don't know some of
Para: I'm sorry for the way I acted around you during this period and the majority of the things I said towards you and all of the opportunities you had given me and that I threw away, I spoke to you about this and properly apologised to you via TeamSpeak before writing this post and I am genuinely sorry for the things I did do and hope I can regain the trust I once had with you by proving I have properly changed.
Tyler: I'm sorry for the way I acted towards you after you caught me hacking within the prop hunt server, you didn't deserve my attitude nor did anyone on the server deserve the way that I acted by hacking on the server this was very immature and should never happen again and that's a promise I hope you can forgive me in the long run and I can rebuild to where I once was in the community reputation wise.
Annie: I am sorry for all the jokes I did about you and the constant harassment, you didn't deserve this nor does anyone really deserve it so for this I am dreadfully sorry and I will never do it again and hope that you can forgive me from my previous actions.
TheXnator: well this one could go on for hours but ill shorten it for everyone pretty much I have been the biggest dick to this person ever and I have no excuses for what I have done this list is long from harassment to just giving him a terrible attitude and calling him the shittiest of names and for this is I am sorry for everything I did to you and I hope that whenever we talk we will get along and you can forgive me for all the shit I have done to you
the community as a whole: I'm sorry for anyone I have effected during the past few months of me minging around from the people I hacked against on the prop hunt server and ruining their experiences to the people that I mass rdmed on ttt and the rp servers I am truthfully sorry and I shall be changing and have changed quite a lot I hope that everyone that reads this can forgive me for my terrible wrong doings and the lack of maturity I showed back then and to the community team I am grateful for you in giving me this chance even though personally I don't deserve it but I will not take it for granted and that's a promise.
now to the less sad side I thought I would add a coupler mentions of people id like to thank.
1) the community team this includes Tyler para and chute and emp ( I missed out red powder because technically when I did the worst things he wasn't back as owner) I am grateful for the chance you have given and to the community owners themselves I apologies about my attitude that I showed on the forums especially so with this chance I am hoping to build back up my reputation and to not disappoint you guys the most so I cant thank you enough.
2) Micky: I would like to thank this LAD because even though he knew I was being extremely immature and rule breaking he often attempted to talk me out of it and in fact kept me out of trouble, he also stuck by me up to this point making him to me an absolute lad and I really cant thank him enough.
3)Raeker: this guy is one of the most dedicated and legendary members of this community I have seen in my 2 years of playing in the zarp community he is easy to talk to and always see's the events from both points of view along with this he is extremely friendly and gets on with anyone and I would like to thank him a lot for never giving up on me and always saying that I could change (he is also gonna be the next community manager)
thanks for reading and I hope everyone will accept this apology because I'm genuinely sorry for everyone that I effected and it shall not happen again and that is a promise.