What it means to be a community.
A community is based off of trust, without trust, it is just a group of people, a messy group of people. Being in a community means the people around you and affect your everyday life. Being a community means being their for others when people need it, not to bully them and disrespect them and ignore what they say. A community brings us together, as one, in unity. A community does not want to have others have bad days, only the good. A community is formed around friendship, love, respect and unity.
A community might have bad days, yet we always find a solution even in the darkest times. A community might have issues within it, yet we must always forgive on another and come together, because if one part of the chain is broken, we all fall down on our opinions. A community is not perfect, we make it perfect for ourselves.
Even thought in a community we might feel like we all want to leave, things will get better, I promise. We must come together and respect our peers opinions, and respect them too.
A community has good days, a community has bad days, you are the one to make it a good or bad one, its based on your choices for as a human, we are prone to our own thoughts and not to be controlled by others. Our character is based off of who we are, and how we act, that will reflect on the community and show what kind of community we are.
Everyone is different, and that is what makes us a community, we need to trust one another since we are different, we must love one another.
What happened in our community concerning Chummy was unacceptable, we must learn from our mistakes and not do it again, let it push to this.
We must come back together, as a community, and respect, love, and trust eachother. We can heal this wound of this community, all it takes is some time.
We arent creating a community, a group whatever you wanna call it, we are creating chaos.