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TOPIC: Official Forum Games Guide.

Official Forum Games Guide. 9 years 6 months ago #179815

The official guide on how to make your Forum Game effective, fun and enjoyable.

1) Rules.

The first thing you should think about after figuring out what Forum Game to make, that's if the Forum Game abides by the TOU in the first place, if the game does not follow the TOU, then it will be removed, and a punishment will be issued accordingly to the OP of the Forum Game.

All Forum Games abide by the TOU, so you do not have to mention "Follow TOU, etc" in the rules section of your Forum Game. Depending on the Forum Game, you're allowed to set what ever rule you like for your Forum Game. as long as it isn't too harsh or restricting, use common sense when creating your rules. A very good example of a good rule for the average Forum Game would be:

-No random chit-chat, conversations without direct contribution to the Forum Game are prohibited.

-No chit-chat unrelated to the Forum Game, all conversation must stay on topic in relation to the Forum Game.

Here are some examples of Forum Games you should never create:

Racist Forum Games.
Offensive Forum Games, even borderline disrespectful Forum Games.
Forum Games which require others to release personal information ( Full Name, Exact Locations, Places of occupation, etc.
If a poster breaks the rules of your forum game, contact me on Steam or use the Report to Moderator function.

These are obviously a few Forum Games you shouldn't make, just make sure that the Forum Game abides by TOU, if you're unsure whether or not the Forum Game is allowed or not, please contact me on Steam.

2) How to make a Forum Game.

As you've already read the rules on Forum Games, if you haven't already, please check the Terms Of Use. Once you've read through these rules thoroughly, we're ready to begin constructing the Forum Game. Everything below this point is a guideline, it is not mandatory to follow exactly what it says.

Let's start off with the Header, at the top of your Forum Game, you should adress the Forum Game in a title, even if it is in the Topic name, it makes it look more professional.

Moving onto sectioning your Forum Game. Seperating your Forum Game into section makes it cleaner, more convienient and easier to read. The sections could go as follows for an average Forum Game:

-Section 1: How to play.
-Section 2: Templates (if applicable)
-Section 3: Rules.

Make sure to fill out these sections with full detail.

Just a reminder: Role play Forum Games are very difficult to make and manage, please do not create one if you're not intending on managing the Forum Game, also, unfortunately not many people seem to enjoy these Forum Games, so it's your choice.

3) Examples of Forum Games

Roleplay Forum Games:

A game where you give the option for players to portray a character, which other players will interact with in a series of given events. Example: Making a Forum Game, where you create a world, with characters, items, quests and other non-player beings to encounter. The players pick a character to use for the RP game.
If in doubt, search up Roleplay on google to get a better idea of what it is.

Opinion Games:

Where the OP asks a question for others to present their opinion of the thing asked. I.e: What do you like more <insert output here>

Input & Output Games:

Exactly how it sounds, a game which requires you to give an input and an output. I.e: A person asks a question to the next replier, but also answers the question above his/her post.

Media Games:

Games required to display forms of Media in order to contribute ( i.e Favourite songs, Favourite movie trailers,etc.)

There are probably more, but most will fall into these catagories.

Feedback is highly appreciated. Please leave a reply on what I could add or improve upon, or contact me on steam.

Have fun!
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