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TOPIC: The Situation Game

The Situation Game 9 years 7 months ago #135181

In this fun, interesting Forum Game, you will have to do the following :

  • Take a moment to brainstorm, then develop a plan to overcome the situation provided by the previous poster.

  • Once you've done this, proceed to come up with a situation for the following poster to solve.

  • Do not by any means develop a racist, discriminating or flat out offensive situation. This also includes vulgar and disturbing situations.

  • Be semi-realistic about this, make sure your plan makes sense and would in theory solve the situation given. Other than that, it can be pretty wild.

  • Do not post the same situation or something very similar to another situation located in the thread.

  • Do not post the same plan for a situation given or something very similar to another plan located in the thread.

  • Stick to the game, don't use the thread for chatting, if someone does not follow the rules don't post on it otherwise you are breaking the rules. Ask a Global Moderator/Forum Administrator/Site Administrator to remove their post so we can carry on with the game.

That's it, quite simple but very enjoyable.

Now, I will start this off.

You are stranded on a desert island with no sign of human civilisation to be found.
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The Situation Game 9 years 7 months ago #135190

I laugh at this on my island! No human civilization who needs them i say?

I found a pod of dolphins that swam near my unconscious body after my vengeful ex-girlfriend threw me off an oil tanker. As these dolphins nurtured me and entertained i have grown so accustomed to them, that i managed to communicate with them by producing mellifluous sounds through my right nostril and my left ear.

I said to myself, "I am one of them now"....

As i began to become more mentally deranged, i began playing hopscotch with my coconut friend that i called "Susan" don't ask why" on the sand, let's just say i never lost. I was crowned champion by the greater Gods of the island and i was made a demi-god.

"I thought that i would never escape until my arm became a flipper"...

I am now able to pray to dolphin-god who transformed into a dolphin and i swam away from the island... (nearly got eaten by a shark 23 times)....

People were worried about me, they thought i would not be able to re-adapt to society! What a bunch of fools i say! I have gotten a job, food, a house and a great fan base. I currently work and reside in the London Zoo. You can see me giving live shows.... I am right in the center of the dolphinarium section every day from 2 to 5 pm.

My situation: Your plane crashed in the middle of Siberia and you are surrounded by angry villagers who are on the verge of killing you....
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The Situation Game 9 years 7 months ago #135196

Your plane crashed in the middle of Siberia and you are surrounded by angry villagers who are on the verge of killing you....

K Alright: I cant fight for myself cause im to weak to fight them, I ask 1 of them for some good nice money if they help me get to an hospital, i say wait that day for me at the airfield, I took a plane earlier dont have to pay him money and i can get home with plane. EASY.

My situation: You pissed your pants in class but nobody noticed yet, and you dont wanna be embarrased. What do you do?
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The Situation Game 9 years 7 months ago #135200

I just would just say... Well thats... IT WAS MY DRINK HE PUSHED IT OVER *points to another idiot*!

My Situationnonononoonon.

You are a minge and you are allowed to break every rule you want, what rules would you break?
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The Situation Game 9 years 7 months ago #135203

The 10 Commandments... You never said Minge irl or not....

You shall have no other gods before Me.
You shall not make idols.
You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Honor your father and your mother.
You shall not murder.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not steal.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
You shall not covet.

My Situation: You are in Buffalo Bill's house trapped in a hole you can't get out of.. he will be back in 1 hour.
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Last Edit: 9 years 7 months ago by bvr.
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The Situation Game 9 years 7 months ago #135205

As easy at it is. Wait until he comes back and sneak like jesus and go into his body open the door and then leave.

My Situation;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;c;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

You are a skrub and are poopingerinoing on da toilet (In a public bathroom) it really starts to fart loudly and you come out of the stalls and everybody starts laughing what do ya do lad?
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The Situation Game 9 years 7 months ago #135218

Recognise the people laughing and take the piss out of them using stuff you seen with them and what they look like to my advantage

My Situation: You are stranded in the area of Easterhouse in glasgow (full of alcoholics gangs and junkies) a ned (non educated delinquint) walks up to you with a knife and says gie us money or al stab ye (give us money or i will stab you) you are not armed what do you do
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Last Edit: 9 years 7 months ago by Ryryster.
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The Situation Game 9 years 7 months ago #135224

"I pulled out my knife and stuck it into his neck... more carnage followed"

I grabbed the knife from him after i spat into his eyes.

As the knife entered the boy's neck, it punctured it with brutal precision and fatality. His artery was torn and blood gushed out. He was carried away with desperate hopes by the men from the ambulance. As they called the boy "ZigZag" due to the scar he got during his time on the streets, his fellow gang members lead by "Gandalf" searched for me as i watched from the driver's seat of the ambulance.


They called him Gandalf since he always found creative new drugs to empower them all i had to find a way to stop him.....

My situation: You are an American spy during the Cold War, who is trapped under Stalin's bed who is currently in deep slumber... what to do?
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Last Edit: 9 years 7 months ago by bvr.
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The Situation Game 9 years 7 months ago #135229

Beaver my post says you are not armed
Ok to solve that i would role out shoot him with a silenced pistol shoot all guards metal gear solid style leave building mission complete

Senario:You are in a room with jim murphy(idiot scottish labour leader) kezia dugdale (his idiot deputy)ruth davidson(scottish conservative leader) and ed milliband (labour leader)you can only shoot 2 of them who do you kill
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The Situation Game 9 years 7 months ago #135318

ryryster wrote:

Senario:You are in a room with jim murphy(idiot scottish labour leader) kezia dugdale (his idiot deputy)ruth davidson(scottish conservative leader) and ed milliband (labour leader)you can only shoot 2 of them who do you kill

Easy I would shoot jim and ed then go over to their bodies and it appears that jim has a club on him so I kill Ruth and Keiza with the club

My situation : you are kidnaped in the middle of the night some things shove you into a bag and drop you in the middle of the Pacific Ocean also they striped you naked how will you survive ?
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The Situation Game 9 years 7 months ago #135353

Im too lazy for this kind of game.
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The Situation Game 9 years 7 months ago #135406

Luan your my kind of guy (scotland hates them all)
To survive i claw open the bag using the inside of the zip and swim to a near by deserted island i get picked up by a near by boat

Scenario:You are in a mueseum you are surrounding with lazer trip alarms which close the wall and squash you you trip one what do you do
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The Situation Game 9 years 7 months ago #135410

I'd call my mum / the popo for help :)


You are stuck inside your school. It's Friday. Nobody is coming to help you and your cellphone died, and there is no power. How do you escape/survive? All the doors and windows are locked.
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The Situation Game 9 years 7 months ago #135417

Rip off a broken locker's door, and smash a window with it. (Who said that we had to be ethical?)

You are trapped in the middle of the Jungle, with cannibals hunting you. Your phone is at 1%, and you have 1 bar of cell service. You only have a wooden stick with a sharpened edge to defend yourself... What do you do?
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The Situation Game 9 years 7 months ago #135424

I take my phone, open my dog whistle app and make it as clear to hear as possible, as a distraction I throw it towards the cannibals and run. They're distracted long enough for me to get 6 hours ahead of them..

My Situation:
A Redneck with the name of Danny Chavis is hunting you in the wyld for 3 days and 3 nights, you only have a pencil with no eraser, and its not sharpened, how do you escape?
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The Situation Game 9 years 7 months ago #135441

Walk around fond a knife (always one somewhere in scotland use my slight ly blunt knife to sharpen my pencil use knife to stab Danny and leave him to die

Scenario: you are stranded on an island during a zombie apocalypse 2 choice run out shoot all zombies possibly die or wait for them to invade the house your holed up in and possibly die anyway
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Last Edit: 9 years 7 months ago by Ryryster.
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The Situation Game 9 years 7 months ago #135445

[ I was mid writing this as he posted ]
Morgan wrote:
I take my phone, open my dog whistle app and make it as clear to hear as possible, as a distraction I throw it towards the cannibals and run. They're distracted long enough for me to get 6 hours ahead of them..

My Situation:
A Redneck with the name of Danny Chavis is hunting you in the wyld for 3 days and 3 nights, you only have a pencil with no eraser, and its not sharpened, how do you escape?

I would snap the pencil into two halves, one bigger than the other. Climb a tree and wait for the 'redneck' to pass by. Drop the smaller piece of pencil to distract whilst performing a jump attack with the other piece of pencil. First stabbing him in the eye to stun whilst stealing his supplies. ( yay )

My scenario; you are camping with your friends to find that the one who drove you here had gone missing, along with their vehicle. You are 100 miles from the closest village and have used up all of your supplies other than water cleansing tablets, 3 left. What do you do?
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Last Edit: 9 years 7 months ago by candyflosskitty.
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The Situation Game 9 years 7 months ago #135454

Scenario changed not silly and point taken no more of my friends scenarios
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The Situation Game 9 years 7 months ago #136114

I'd force my friends into collecting water for me, then I'd purify it, then I'd go cannabalistic on them. I know it's dark but hey, survival isn't pretty.

I'm just kidding, I wouldn't do that. If we were camping in a tent I would cut up the tent and make a backpack out of it to collect supplies with. I'd then proceed to use my shirt as a sort of filter for dirty water, I wrap up the shirt, tie it round the opening of my water canteen and pour dirty water into it, the dirt is left on top whilst the water has gone in. Then I'd use a tablet everytime I did this, my canteen happens to be fairly large so 3 full canteens should last me 100 miles. For food I would improvise and create a spear out of a branch from a tree, sharpen it by scraping it constantly on a rock so the edge is almost spear-like and I would kill reptiles, arachnids, small rodents and large insects for food. If needed I would create a small campfire and use a very sharp rock to skin and gut the animals ( if applicable ) then stick them on a stick over the fire. Then eat them. Using all of this I am able to get to the village where the locals provide me with food and water, then taking me to a town where there is a hospital to get me checked out, then I go home.

My situation :

You are an American POW in WW2, held captive on a Japanese battleship, the ship gets hit by a torpedo and it begins to sink, you are in a cell at the bottom of the ship, the door is barred from the other side and the window is extremely tough to get through.

What do you do?

You don't have any instruments available, apart from :

Your clothing ( Tattered long sleeve shirt and trousers, worn boots and a cap )
A Toothbrush.
A Straight Razor.
Bed sheets.
A bucket ( for self explanatory reasons )
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The Situation Game 9 years 7 months ago #136117

Break the window.

My scenario : you have bomb planted on A site for short on de dust2.

Where do you hide? And when do you interact with the enemies?
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