What is your Steam Name?: Bunnyslippers69
What is your Steam ID? STEAM_0:0:147203843
Steam Profile Link: steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198254673414
Rate your activity on the server (Gametrackers recommended):
Server 1 -
Server 2 -
Server 3 -
Rate your overall attacking skill: 6/10
Rate your overall defending skill: 7/10
What server are you mostly on? Server 1 Or 3
State your in-game cash balance: 7M (All cash in items)
State your currently owned upgrades/special weapons: Ammo Boost, 1 Tgun, 1 Base Shield, M303 Advanced Rocket Launcher, Gluon Gun, EDF,
Printer Hacker 1.0
Do you agree to abide by all gang rules?: Yes
Why do you think you should be chosen to join? (at least 75 words): Because i feel like i am trusted in the community and feel that i will be able to help out the gang efficiently. i am currently Admin on the SSRP servers so you can be sure i wont break any rules