What is your Steam Name?: Cambero
What is your Steam ID?
steamID STEAM_0:1:46606125
steamID3 [U:1:93212251]
steamID64 76561198053477979
Steam Profile Link:
Rate your activity on the server (Gametrackers recommended):
Pretty high
Rate your overall attacking skill:
Rate your overall defending skill:
What server are you mostly on?
Server 2
State your in-game cash balance:
100 mil
State your currently owned upgrades/special weapons:
Do you agree to abide by all gang rules?:
Yes, I do.
Why do you think you should be chosen to join? (at least 75 words):
When I play in a group, I am loyal. I help my teammates in every subject (In an economical way and other ways.)
I am pretty new on the server, and I liked this gang so I thought that I might try to join this group.
I am pretty good with weapons in mod especially when I am in the defending team.
I am very serious, and I don't mess around when I am not allowed to.