Steam Profile:
Activity on ZARP DarkRP: 400 hours
RP Related
Rate yourself on 1 to 10 on ZARP DarkRP Combat: i would say 7 , i used to use spas when my fps is few
What Craft-able Items: Defib bp / Steel / printer booster bp
How Can We Trust You? : i was a member on bh and i got kicked for breaking rules
How Much Money Do You Have? 14 mil
What Organization were/are in: BH recently , got kicked after three weeks or so
Why Should You Be Chosen? : i know i made a mistake ( failrp ) and tried to explain what happened but never got kristofferson understanding what happened and he said i'll probably not join BH again , i woul apology to him about what i've done and promise to not failrp again or break any rules