Steam Profile:
RP Name:
Activity on ZARP DarkRP:
141 hours
RP Related
Rate yourself on 1 to 10 on ZARP DarkRP Combat:
i give myself a 8.5
What Craft-able Items:
im lvl 4 crafting
How Can We Trust You?
i have alot of good friends that are in the brotherhood and i feel like if i backstab brotherhood i backstab them so that won't happen
How Much Money Do You Have?
3.75 mil and a tux,lambo
What Organization were/are in
the realeased beasts (my own gang)
Why Should You Be Chosen?
i have alot of friend of brotherhood like paramontana continued deathrazor so i have experience and they are all my friends i know the tricks to make good bases and how to raid properly. im a pretty good shooter to so i think i would come in handy
and i am a loyal guy so if i give you my word you seriousely have my word.