Basic Information
In-game name: !Paco2
Steam Name: !Paco2
Steam Community Link:
Age: 12 [ this year 13 ]
Language(s): Russian , English ( really good ) , Swedish
DarkRP Information: got 16 Mil , Known now as a Non Scammer thx to LazyBro , Lazy at printing but good at building and raiding Skill 8
Referred to Redemption by(N/A if not referred by anyone): LazyBro
[If you have had any prior bans]: 1 Disrespect soxey6
Number of prior bans: 1
Reason to prior bans (example: RDM, NLR, Prop Abuse etc): Disrespect
Knowledge of the rules 1-10(1 = Uncertain on most rules, 10 = Perfect knowledge with little faults): 7 - 8
Building Experience 1-10(1 = Complete Novice, 10 = Very skilled): 9
Activity on server 1[1 = 1-5 hours a week, 2 = 6-20 hours a week, 3 = 21+ hours a week]: 3=21
Previous Gangs and Duration in them: BiB , KVG , Outsuders , Fedora Tippers , BiB Academy , Fedora Tippers , Revolution [ 2014-11-28 ]
RP Money (Minimum of 100k): 16 mil
What I can offer to Redemption: Base dupes Happynes
, Help good bases , good raids , another gang member , A swedish gang member
Why I want to join Redemption: Im camerons friend , im not a rulebreaker even if people call me it , to give you good bases , and happynes and a helpful member , Successfull raids and Successfull base defending and I was just looking for a gang to join to help.