Basic Information
In-game name: ZippyJack
Steam Name: ZippyJack
Steam Community Link:
Age: 14
Language(s): English (fluent). Know bit of Dutch. French cause of school xD (only bit)a
DarkRP Information
Referred to Redemption by(N/A if not referred by anyone): Well not really. I'm still in BrotherHood which doesn't seem much fun anymore, But Gamer Guy seemed to inspire me most.
[If you have had any prior bans]
Number of prior bans: non on DarkRP.
Reason to prior bans (example: RDM, NLR, Prop Abuse etc): N/A
Knowledge of the rules 1-10(1 = Uncertain on most rules, 10 = Perfect knowledge with little faults): 10 - I know rules. Ex-Staff.
Building Experience 1-10(1 = Complete Novice, 10 = Very skilled): 5, I'm okay but still learning!
Activity on servers 1 & 2[1 = 1-5 hours a week, 2 = 6-20 hours a week, 3 = 21+ hours a week]: I tend to now get at least 5 hours a week, This will improve by Christmas when I obtain my new PC.
Previous Gangs and Duration in them:
I was part of Organization 'HAWK' for a while on old server.
Ever since then I've been part of BrotherHood.
RP Money (Minimum of 1mil): 11mil 500k something like that
What I can offer to Redemption: I could offer my raiding skills, safes and most important, Loyal and friendly.
Why I want to join Redemption:
I wanted to join the one than all the other 'new' ones because It's got all my good friends in there. Although you may not like/trust me no more LazyBro, I've changed. I wanted to leave BrotherHood because nothing was really going on I hardly seen any Brother's on. I noticed by Gamer Guy's gang it was yours and here I am, now trying to apply. As an BrotherHood member I bring goodness and helpful and friendliness to ReD. I shall not break rules due to my return to ZARP, and will respect those superior and allies. I'll obey any orders made from Above ranks and lastly, I'll shrek anyone who get's in my team-mates way.