Angels of Hell Thread
10 years 4 months ago #75773
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Around 2 years ago, Johnny Smith and his cousin, Chris Smith, decided to make a gang right here in ZARP. Sadly but after doing so the gang didn't work out as much as they had hoped since the server had went down for some time after that, but now… CHRIS SMITH, ZER0NIX, PROGEX and JOHNNY SMITH are attempting to fulfill that dream! After 2 years of endless waiting, the time has come for the Angels of Hell to rise and rule the world we call ZARP! DO NOT be fooled by their name for anyone that dares to, shall not live to regret it. For they are no angels! They are Destruction, Pain and Suffering. They burn, raid and destroy whatever and whoever they please. Boundaries? They have none such thing! Mercy? They do not know the meaning of that word.
The Reaper (New Hell Leader): Johnny Smith
Gods [Leaders]
Satan: Zer0nix/li]
Belzelbub [Baal]: RandomdudeDK
Astaroth: Progex
Belial: Chris Smith
SORATH [General]:
ALASTOR [ Chancellor ]:
ANUBIS [ Colonel ]:
CHARON [ Lieutenant ]:
MORAX [ Sergeant ]:
Orcs [ Soldiers ]:
George Smith
The Gamer Guy
Le Anne
Hitman Jerry
Hell Hounds [ TRIAL ] (Abbreviated as Hounds) :
Champion of Hell [ player of the week / month ] :
Gods: Take all roles equally.
Sorath & Alastor:
Attend scheduled and unscheduled Meetings to vote on applications.
Can host random drills for all online members.
Keeps track of player’s activity.
Can build gang bases and give permission to others to do so.
Can order Orcs and Hounds.
Anubis, Charon and Morax:
Fortunetellers, groups all present Hounds on the server in order to base and raid together. Then, gives report on each to the Gods.
Can build gang bases and give permission to others to do so.
Can order Orcs and Hounds.
Orcs: Regular members.
Hell Hounds: Put on trial after applying.
Meeting Schedule for High ranked members.
Saturday, Afternoon, 4 PM GMT +0: Application review and important long discussed topics. Wednesday, Evening, 5:30 PM GMT+0: Application review and urgent topics.
Always respect the other gang members and allies.
Always listen to the higher ranks.
No basing with enemy gang members, before consulting one of the Gang Gods.
No Raiding, Carjacking or Mugging allies and gang members.
Do not build bases under the name of the gang, unless given permission by a Demon or God.
Answer other gang member’s requests for help (Raids, Defending etc), EVEN if they are lower ranked than you.
Hounds have to have a fortuneteller (advisor) that will decide his fate as a gang member.
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3 raids by any gang on AoH will result in a war.
Other Gang Leaders are to contact one of the Gang Gods incase they need to discuss an alliance.
Ending a war between a gang and AoH requires a $1,000,000 Fee that will go to the gang funds.
Gang Fee is $666,069 .
More active on server 2, but also plays on server 1 often.
Placed in buying order.
Machete Upgrade: $20,000,000 Unarrestable Upgrade: $10,000,000 Drug Coolers & Drug Lab Upgrade: $80.000,000 Armor Boost: $30,000,000 Mega Crafting: $75,000,000 Tommy Gun: $50,000,000
Gang Fund: $65,300,000 Nearest Expected Donation: N/A
Basic information
In-game name :
Country, timezone :
Age :
Gametrackers :
Server 1 :
Server 2 :
Total server in-game time :
Steam profile :
Rp related information
Rp Money:
Special Weapons :
Video of a raid (optional, but will help a lot if you post one ) :
Are you better at basing or raiding :
Previous gang(s) :
What will you offer to the gang :
Reason why do you want to join AoH (we recommend about 100 words) :
Gang Alliance Applications:
Name of Gang:
Gang Upgrades & Gang Funds:
Number of Members:
Why do you want to ally with us?
Why should we chose your gang as an ally?
Will you be contributing a gift to AoH as a sign of respect?
Please try to keep the unnecessary replies to a minimum, this is a thread for applications.
Angles of Hell Thread
10 years 4 months ago #75834
Basic information
In-game name :Jazzie
Country, timezone :England London
Age :13
Gametrackers : I put them all on server 1 and 2
Server 1 :
Server 2 :
Total server in-game time :
SteamID STEAM_0:0:90382235
Steam profile :
Rp related information
How much RP money you have :12mil
Special Weapons :none
Video of a raid (optional, but will help a lot if you post one ) : sorry im not really good at making video raids but im a really good raider
Are you better at basing or raiding : I like to base more than raiding
Previous gang :genesis
What will you offer to the gang : i will give 700k to your gang
Reason why do you want to join AoH (we recommend about 100 words) :im always on zarp and i would love to join your gang and help out base with you and help raid and help each other in the gang out and it will be really fun i think and basing will be cool help one of the gang members out and do lots of staff like raiding base and bank help out the gang so much tell people what's wrong and whats right like basic rules help them out with money and supporting you guys and I will always be on the TeamSpeak thanks for viewing.Thanks for taking the time to read it hope you like it.
Angles of Hell Thread
10 years 4 months ago #75836
Jazzie wrote:
<strong>Basic information</strong>
In-game name :Jazzie
Country, timezone :England London
Age :13
Gametrackers : I put them all on server 1 and 2
Server 1 :
Server 2 :
Total server in-game time :
SteamID STEAM_0:0:90382235
Steam profile :
<strong>Rp related information</strong>
How much RP money you have :12mil
Special Weapons :none
Video of a raid (optional, but will help a lot if you post one ) :
Are you better at basing or raiding :basing
Previous gang :genesis
What will you offer to the gang : i will give 700k to your gang
<strong>Reason why do you want to join AoH (we recommend about 100 words) </strong>:im always on zarp and i would love to join your gang and help out base with you and help raid and help each other in the gang out and it will be really fun i think and basing will be cool help one of the gang members out and do lots of staff like raiding base and bank help out the gang so much tell people what's wrong and whats right like basic rules help them out with money and supporting you guys and I will always be on the TeamSpeak thanks for viewing.Thanks for taking the time to read it hope you like it.
You've been ACCEPTED to join Angels of Hell, you'll be set as a trial till the gods come on and vote on which rank you will be set. Congratulations!
How much RP money you have : 2mil
Special Weapons : 2x MILKOR
Video of a raid (optional, but will help a lot if you post one ) : N/A
Are you better at basing or raiding : Enjoy a bit of Both depending on what's needed - basing to build up supplies and raiding for fun
Previous gang : Resistance (not active)
What will you offer to the gang : I put a lot of time into the game - good at making money and raiding - Good at building
Reason why do you want to join AoH (we recommend about 100 words) : I have played on ZARP for around 80 hours to date and it is my favourite server - know most of the ins and outs of it and have reached a point were I need to find an active gang to enjoy the game more- its no good going online and trying to base or raid on own and the gangs I have been in aren't active enough or online at the same time as well as not having any structure.
How much RP money you have : 2mil
Special Weapons : 2x MILKOR
Video of a raid (optional, but will help a lot if you post one ) : N/A
Are you better at basing or raiding : Enjoy a bit of Both depending on what's needed - basing to build up supplies and raiding for fun
Previous gang : Resistance (not active)
What will you offer to the gang : I put a lot of time into the game - good at making money and raiding - Good at building
Reason why do you want to join AoH (we recommend about 100 words) : I have played on ZARP for around 80 hours to date and it is my favourite server - know most of the ins and outs of it and have reached a point were I need to find an active gang to enjoy the game more- its no good going online and trying to base or raid on own and the gangs I have been in aren't active enough or online at the same time as well as not having any structure.
After voting with the other gods, we have decided todeny your application. You can apply again 1 week and 4 days from now.
Reason: Breaking rules recently & banned.
Add me on Steam
Ex. SSRP Admin
Ex. TTT Admin
Bhop Admin
The topic has been locked.
Angles of Hell Thread
10 years 4 months ago #75903
Thanks for your consideration - I am currently appealing the ban and it appears that there was a collaboration between a player in RP and a Mod/Admin that led to it- I shall re-apply once the matter is settled.
Angles of Hell Thread
10 years 4 months ago #75948
Basic Information
In-game name :Darth McPoop Country, timezone:Serbia,Belgrade Gametrackers :
Server 2:
Server 1: Total server in-game time : 58 hours (server 2- 43 hours server 1 -15 hours) SteamID:STEAM_0:1:47368412 Steam
Realistic Roleplay Related Information
How much money you have:9mil Special Weapons:Milkor,RPG,Damascus Sword (if that is a special weapon). Video of a raid (optional, but will help a lot if you post one ) : I dont have any video of raiding,but i am a good raider Are you better at basing or raiding:I am a better Raider Previous gang :Fedora Tippers What will you offer to the gang :I will donate 1million to the gang bank. Reason why do you want to join AoH (we recommend about 100 words) :
I want to join AoH because the members and owners are nice and i want to have some fun with my friends there.In my previous gang they were all disrespecting but this gang is so cool.Members are nice and polite so as owners and admins.Other gangs are not like this one (Some of them are disrespecting a lot).I want to join a gang that is cool and polite and its always helpfull.I am a good player and always a team worker.Hope this helped you.
Thank you for reading my application for joining AoH.
Angles of Hell Thread
10 years 4 months ago #75982
Darth McPoop wrote:
<strong>Basic Information</strong>
<strong>In-game name :</strong>Darth McPoop <strong>Country, timezone:</strong>Serbia,Belgrade <strong>Gametrackers : </strong>
Server 2:
Server 1: <strong>Total server in-game time :</strong> 58 hours (server 2- 43 hours server 1 -15 hours) <strong>SteamID:</strong>STEAM_0:1:47368412 <strong>Steam Profile:</strong>
Realistic Roleplay Related Information
</strong> <strong>How much money you have:</strong>9mil <strong>Special Weapons:</strong>Milkor,RPG,Damascus Sword (if that is a special weapon). <strong>Video of a raid (optional, but will help a lot if you post one ) :</strong> I dont have any video of raiding,but i am a good raider <strong>Are you better at basing or raiding:</strong>I am a better Raider <strong>Previous gang :</strong>Fedora Tippers <strong>What will you offer to the gang :</strong>I will donate 1million to the gang bank. <strong>Reason why do you want to join AoH (we recommend about 100 words) :</strong>
I want to join AoH because the members and owners are nice and i want to have some fun with my friends there.In my previous gang they were all disrespecting but this gang is so cool.Members are nice and polite so as owners and admins.Other gangs are not like this one (Some of them are disrespecting a lot).I want to join a gang that is cool and polite and its always helpfull.I am a good player and always a team worker.Hope this helped you.
Thank you for reading my application for joining AoH.
After voting with the Gods, we've decided to accept you as one of our members. You are now bound by the rules and information stated above, break them and we shall burn you down. Then send you to an eternity of suffering. May Death and Hatred be forever on your side!
Angles of Hell Thread
10 years 4 months ago #76017
Basic information
In-game name :ItsWacky
Country, timezone :England
Age :14
Gametrackers :
Server 1
Server 2 -
Total server in-game time : 300+ hours (although i have not been playing recently)
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47138691
Steam profile :
Rp related information
How much RP money you have : $2,655,435
Special Weapons :Milkor
Video of a Basing (changed it) (optional, but will help a lot if you post one ) : this was a year ago
Are you better at basing or raiding : Basing
Previous gang :The Brotherhood
What will you offer to the gang : Basing skills + my amazing Trickshot and sniper skillz m9
Reason why do you want to join AoH (we recommend about 100 words) :I believe that i should be chosen because i would like to join because i want to get back into dark RP and i would love to get started by Joining the Best of the Best and that's certainly you guys i really like what you are going for here and its awesome i would like to be the Chancellor if i am Accepted as i am awesome at both Defending and Raiding i also actually like the people in the gang as well so i hope you accept me and i hope to see myself basing along side you guys in the near future.
Angles of Hell Thread
10 years 4 months ago #76442
Wacky wrote:
Basic information
In-game name :ItsWacky
Country, timezone :England
Age :14
Gametrackers :
Server 1
Server 2 -
Total server in-game time : 300+ hours (although i have not been playing recently)
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:47138691
Steam profile :
Rp related information
How much RP money you have : $2,655,435
Special Weapons :Milkor
Video of a Basing (changed it) (optional, but will help a lot if you post one ) : this was a year ago
Are you better at basing or raiding : Basing
Previous gang :The Brotherhood
What will you offer to the gang : Basing skills + my amazing Trickshot and sniper skillz m9
Reason why do you want to join AoH (we recommend about 100 words) :I believe that i should be chosen because i would like to join because i want to get back into dark RP and i would love to get started by Joining the Best of the Best and that's certainly you guys i really like what you are going for here and its awesome i would like to be the Chancellor if i am Accepted as i am awesome at both Defending and Raiding i also actually like the people in the gang as well so i hope you accept me and i hope to see myself basing along side you guys in the near future.
Thanks for reading -Wacky
You have applied before and was denied and given a 2 week cool down before applying again, that you did not wait out. Hence, you will be denied again, any further attempts like this will lead to an increase in your cool down time.
Denied, wait out cool down, 1 week and 5 days.
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Angels of Hell Thread
10 years 4 months ago #76917
flasher1001 wrote:
Hello I need a gang to join beacuse I am new but I have alot of expierience with gmod. Sorry if I misspell something I'm from poland
Name: Marcel
Username: [CrG] [TWS] The Stalker
Steam Profile: Shadow Stalker
Country, Timezone: Poland [Europe]
Age: 18
Gametrackers: DayZ, Gmod
Server 1: Zarp/RP/1
Server 2: Zarp/RP/2, Zarp/DR/2
In Game TIme: 24-26h
RP info:
Money: 30,170
Special Wepons: Nun
Previous Gang: Nun
I will offer my skills and money
I want to join AoH beacause I have no gang that can help and I want to meet new people
The Gods of Hell took the time to read your application and debate over it and have successfully voted on it. The result will be typed under, if denied we will state a reason and if accepted we will state accepted and your new rank. May death, suffering and hatred be forever on your side.
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Denied, not enough RP money for gang fee and inexperienced.
If you are accepted, leaving will result in suffering, war and damnation on you and all you friends and family, for if you leave us, you will be hunted down, slaughter and hanged by the legs and left to be eating by the hounds. Every time you build a base, it will go down. Wherever you go, we'll be there. The more you try to resist your doom, the more the pain will last. For we are always 5 steps ahead of you!