In-game name :
Country, timezone :
Age :
Gametrackers :
Server 1 :
Server 2 :
Total server in-game time :
Steam profile :
Rp related information
Rp Money: Around 10mil
Special Weapons : Matador
Video of a raid (optional, but will help a lot if you post one ) :
Are you better at basing or raiding : Basing i think
Previous gang(s) : Revolution, Repression
What will you offer to the gang : Gang funds, help everyone of you in general
Reason why do you want to join AoH (we recommend about 100 words) : Because i've been playing now for quite a while and i think that AoH would be the best gang for me. I play daily and i would love to be a part of raiding and basing with AoH. And also im a nice person in genral.