Lewis_is_java wrote:
1.) What is your Steam Name?
2.) What is your Steam ID?
3.) Steam Profile Link -
4.) Age?
5.) What is your estimated server time?
4 weeks
6.) How would you rate your activity out of 10? (E.G: 8/10, I am on most of the time during the weekends)
9 im on alot
Role Play Related
1.) How much cash do you have in-game?
2.) If you were offered any weapon on ZARP and you could only chose 1 which gun would it be and why?
machette even though its not the most exspensive its really fun to use
3.) How good are you at combat in DarkRP from a scale of 1 to 10
8 really accurate just i rush a bit into fights getting me killed when i underestimate the enemy
4.) Do you have any explosive / rare items on the server?
i have uranium
5.) What gangs have you been in?
i have been in the fedora tippers
6.) Why should we chose to trust you when it comes to being accepted?
because i enjoy being in a team and always help allies
7.) Why do you think you should be chosen to join?
i think i should join because i have helped the menaces before and i thought i should join because i am a loyal gang member and will always look out for the team and put the team first instead of me plus i have never disappointed a gang i have been in
because i always do as im told and never ignore any gangmember
Can I join this gang now my gametime has improved