1.) What is your Steam Name?:Bigwhal
2.) What is your Steam ID? STEAM_0:1:114176403
3.) Steam Profile Link:
4.) Rate your activity on the server:Everyday about 4 hours
5.) Rate your overall attacking skill:6 (improving
6.) Rate your overall defending skill:7(Improving
7.) What server are you mostly on? Sevrer 1
8.) State your in-game cash balance:17mil
9.) Do you agree to abide by all gang rules? I am indeed
10.) Why do you think you should be chosen to join? (at least 75 words): I think I should be accepted because with your guys help I can improve on zarp a lot and I am friendly and I base with you guys sometimes. Me and gamerfunhouse have had our pasts but are better friends now and I think I can do a lot better in this gang than any other gang because every other gang seemed like they just let me in for no reason but this time I actually want to be apart of a good gang that doesnt accept people in all the time and accepts people who deserve to join.
Thank you for reading