Aspect wrote:
Why doesn't OSRS, WoW and other Roleplaying games wipe if it's such a winning concept? SSRP is a long-term investment.
Other roleplaying games don't have the issues presented with zarp as seen above from everyone complaining, and If I'm honest semi-serious RP is hardly RP.
the fun part of ssrp from posts above and from my short time playing, seem to derive from player vs player action and the fact it used to be so equal, now it's not due to the monopoly the older players have over the new, making the new players feel 'whats the point?' and the older players being bored with their huge amount of items and money
things like wow aren't pvp based. They have lore, a story, quests etc. They're not a small garrys mod map thats modded with the prime goal to make more money and kill others.