Sam the Sausage wrote:
Lewis_is_java wrote:
Markus Chellwigg wrote:
Lewis_is_java wrote:
Sam the Sausage wrote:
TheFierceOwl wrote:
Trix wrote:
Carson wrote:
Trix wrote:
Just as good as your grand comeback
Ik im triggered just as you are to not be able to participate in kicking ass.
why are you shitposting on their gang thread lol
cause he's in his mid 20s and has nothing to live for, goes out of his way to look like a fool every single day. He's always so fucking angry that he constantly talks shit to people that carried him when he was a new player, not like he's improved at all anyways, but still. He's so sad that he goes on to people's dead yt channels and leaves mean comments thinking that he's won some sort of war. 5'2" manlet needs a diaper change and fast
Can't believe he's 20+ yr old
Hes nearly 30, big difference between you and him
True I'm almost 40, imagine being a year over 19 though didn't know it was possible
haha you're such a shit tier troll, but let me lay it out for you just because there's a good probability that you're unaware. Trixter is in his LATE 20s, he has nothing to live for, he sits on his ass day in day out shit talking children that are 10 years younger than him. He's a dumpster fire at the only 2 games he plays and gets boosted on cs and is still silver 1.
Sam is the kind of child who shit talks people on the internet claiming them being "30" when in reality im 22 not to mention you claiming im "5'2" when in reality im 6"2 so it does not affect me a single bit
Youre abviously an overweight 4"2 sitting in a dark room the only light comming from your monitor munching on dorritos and bragging about how you wasted 8 years of your life on this server withoud achieving shit, the guy cant aim for shit the only place he knows better than his dark cave is spawn cause thats where he ends up everytime when he faces me or my gang.
These are the type of kids who get bullied irl get filled with rage and anger and go on the internet try and act to be big but end up sitting on the L chair.