Welcome to Oneil Industries Gang Thread
Oneil Industries was founded by two people known as Ryan Oneil and Jack Bushross.
We are willing to invite anyone, as long as our members trust them enough to help our gang nuke, base and so on!
Please let us know if you need to be added to the members list or you are returning to the server (Switching from MIA to Members).
- No Backstabbing - You may raid the gang as long as you have the members permission who are inside the base to raid their base/bank raid. Do not backstab your own gang members.
- No leeching - You must actively defend the base and not leech. You may go AFK as long as you notify an officer of the gang and if you are going AFK for a long period of time such as going to sleep, we expect you to do a lot of defending beforehand.
- Communication - We expect you to have good communication skills, it is highly recommended you use a microphone and talk to the gang when we are playing SSRP or any other games.
- Leadership - You must always listen and follow the higher ups commands as a member.
- Basing - Do not mess around inside a base to a certain extent, especially during raids. You may have 1v1's with regular weapons but you must not fight near the entities or anyone else that is not taking part.
- Raiding - You must listen to the orders you are given. If you are given a role or wanting to take a role such as rushing, hand cannoning etc, you must make it clear to other members who are taking part of the raid to avoid any confusion and mistakes that may be made. You must also be careful at who you are firing at in order to avoid team killing, unless if you jump into the line of fire and get killed by a teammate that would be on you.
If there is a failure to follow these rules, punishments may be handed out such as demotion from the officer rank, talking to or a kick from the gang.
Should there be any issues, you must let an officer of the gang know.
The Owners are the people who obviously own the gang.
They have the overall power in the gang and all ranks must come to them for demotions & alliances with other gangs.
Co-Owners is the best achievable rank in the gang and have vast amounts of power.
They can kick, invite, and blacklist people from the gang without asking for permission, and can emergency demote Officers.
They can fully demote Officers if they are given permission by an Owner and can fully demote the Members without permission.
They are also the only achievable rank that can accept applications on the gang thread.
Officer is the second best achievable rank in the gang and have a lot of power.
They can kick, invite, and blacklist people from the gang in extreme situations without asking for permission, and can emergency demote Members.
Member is the rank given to those who have proven themselves to be loyal members of the gang.
They do not have much power, however they have shown they can be trusted and loyal towards the gang.
Trial is the beginning rank and is given to all players who first join, it is a fairly easy rank to get out of providing you prove to us you are as good as you say you are and trustworthy.
MIA is the rank where you are in the gang but inactive from the server.
Promotions are given if and when we feel like you deserve one, if you constantly ask for them you will more than likely end up with the rank below you or a kick from the gang.
All members can be found on this list.
Jack Bushross
Ryan Oneil
Bobby Bobbys
Rice Seeds
Slam Clap
Sam townsend
Db Killer
Milk Man
Bunny Slippers
Big whal
Vault Payout x2
- Obtained
Vault Payout x3
- Obtained
Tommy Gun
- Obtained
- Obtained
- Obtained
Craft Anywhere
- Obtained
Crafting Speed
- Obtained
Unarrest Stick
- Obtained
Drug Limit
- Obtained
Armor Boost
- Obtained
Armor Boost 2
- Obtained
GM Savannah
- Obtained
Hummer H1
- Obtained
Prop Reinforcement R1
- Obtained
Prop Reinforcement R2
- Obtained
Prop Reinforcement R3
- Obtained
Steam Profile Link:
Rate your activity on the server (Gametrackers recommended):
Rate your overall attacking skill:
Rate your overall defending skill:
What server are you mostly on?
State your in-game cash balance:
State your currently owned upgrades,special weapons and suits:
Do you agree to abide by all gang rules?:
Why do you think you should be chosen to join? (at least 50 words):
Jay House
Pink Lemonade
Frag Angels
None at the moment.