Steam Profile Link:
Rate your activity on the server (Gametrackers recommended):
I have had alot of names that I forgot, but I am active everyday ( I started playing in 2016 )
Rate your overall attacking skill:
Meh I dont like attacking so
Rate your overall defending skill:
I am decent at defending so
What server are you mostly on?
SSRP Server 1
State your in-game cash balance:
Currently I am very poor but I have 10 unclaimed boosters and im buying more soon so....
State your currently owned upgrades,special weapons and suits:
Same as above ^ ^ ^ ( I have like 40 psgs )
Do you agree to abide by all gang rules?:
Yes I do
Why do you think you should be chosen to join? (at least 50 words):
I think I should be chosen because I am active alot on Zarp, especially recently. As you can see im very poor ( but have boosters ). I am not greedy as you can tell that I have done giveaways. I will base a lot with Oneil gang members and attack. The main reason why I want to join Oneil is because I feel that this gang is the best in the server. Moreover, I will help with nukes alot as Oneil is pretty much the only gang that does nukes ( except broccoli the poo gang ). My time in Jewish Zerg has made me think alot of the gangs in the server, as it was a shit inactive gang, and I realized this is the best gang to join currently
BTW Im not in Jewish Zerg as it says in my signature