What is the bug?
Traitor dies when walking into the T room
so basically i was a traitor and an innocent was walking into the T room so i followed him killed him and when i got into the doorway of the T room i died When did you encounter the issue?
5 minutes ago on TTT How can we reproduce the issue?
make it so that there is a check if the target is a traitor or innocent before the room kills anyone Were there any errors? If so include them here!
It's map shit, since the innocent triggered the hurt you were also in it so it damaged you aswell, they could do it so the traitor is invincible to that trigger_hurt
What is the bug?
think its a sound bug although i am not entirely sure. When did you encounter the issue?
2 seconds ago How can we reproduce the issue?
Play TTT. Were there any errors? If so include them here!
[ERROR] addons/pointshop plus/lua/cl_pointshopplus.lua:1037: bad argument #1 to 'LookupSequence' (string expected, got nil)
1. LookupSequence - [C]:-1
2. func - addons/pointshop plus/lua/cl_pointshopplus.lua:1037
3. unknown - lua/includes/extensions/net.lua:32
hi What is the bug?
so when u will push someone near the cliff but he wont fall down; if he will jump by his self to death, it will say that guy who pushed him off was killer When did you encounter the issue?
boi, today How can we reproduce the issue?
do the same Were there any errors? If so include them here!
no but only this help
Fuck off Luki, why do you have to do this ear rape type beat to my homie EMP.. he JOINED YOUR CHANNEL just for you, and you welcome him like that ? come on bro, have some respect to the big ballers man, and when i say big ballers, i don't mean it in weight. He actually lost 250 pounds,
Yeah this has been a thing for around a year now lol. We mentioned it a few times but as of yet nothing has been done.
Might wanna actually tell the people that can do something??
Question is would you fix it?
Anyway, that has been around for longer than a year.
If someone pushes someone else and they manage to die through world damage or fall damage within a few seconds the 'pusher' will be counted as the killer by the damagelogs.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) You could always update the TTT gamemode to a newer version than 2015
Well, you will have to make a newer version yourself then because the TTT version from 2015 is the most recent one.
Just one google search and you would have known that.
Hey idk where to say this so i cant join zarp ttt but i can join any other zarp server.
when i try to log on it says "Dissconecting: Steam authentication failed"
but its only on zarp ttt anyone know how to fix this or am i randomly baned ?
Hey idk where to say this so i cant join zarp ttt but i can join any other zarp server.
when i try to log on it says "Dissconecting: Steam authentication failed"
but its only on zarp ttt anyone know how to fix this or am i randomly baned ?
Hey man, reload Gmod again or try to join through here: prntscr.com/mljf68
Have you tried turning it off an on again? (relog to Steam)
All the things i tryed:
-Unistaling and instaling gmod
-Reloging to Steam
-Restarting my pc
-Reseting my internet
-Launching from the forum
-Updating steam(it was updated already)
-And yea Jim i did try spamming it
Still all the same.Im rly starting to think im ither blacklisted to the server and or banned?
Have you tried turning it off an on again? (relog to Steam)
All the things i tryed:
-Unistaling and instaling gmod
-Reloging to Steam
-Restarting my pc
-Reseting my internet
-Launching from the forum
-Updating steam(it was updated already)
-And yea Jim i did try spamming it
Still all the same.Im rly starting to think im ither blacklisted to the server and or banned?
Try connecting under a different internet connection like mobile data and just to see if that works? That way you can figure out if it's your home internet or not that is causing it.