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TOPIC: Appeal Policy & Handling Guide

Appeal Policy & Handling Guide 6 years 5 months ago #1023536

Punishment Appeal Policy
Here at ZARP we want all appeals to be handled in a fair and honest way to make sure that everyone gets a fair chance. We hope that all administrators follow the policies bellow a to make sure that this is the case.

  • You must be an administrator or above to handle punishment appeals.
  • You may not accept or deny appeals that are appealing punishments you have given.
  • Users may name people that they do not wish to handle the appeal. If the appealing user states that they do not wish certain staff members to handle the appeal those staff members should refrain from dealing with the appeal.
  • You should attempt to speak to the staff member that placed the punishment prior to making your decision on the appeal. After 24 hours, you may do so on your own.
  • Appeals for punishments given to staff such as official warnings or demotions do not get handled by a single staff member but are rather voted on in the lead team meeting.

Reviewing the Appeal
Your first step when reviewing an appeal is to read through the entire appeal and look at any evidence that has been presented. Should the user have failed to use the appeal template, you may make a response with the appeal template or a link to the thread detailing how to make an appeal.

When reviewing the appeal, you should also contact anyone that is relevant to the appeal such as the staff member that gave out the punishment or the user that is appealing should it be needed. You may also use in-game logs or any other form of information to validate what has been said in the appeal to make sure that your decision is as informed as possible.

Verdict and Outcome
Once all relevant information has been reviewed and you’ve either contacted the staff member responsible for the punishment or 24 hours have passed you should reply to the appeal with the verdict. Make sure to detail if the appeal was accepted or denied. Should the appeal be denied try, to include information detailing why it was denied and how the user may improve. Should the appeal be accepted, you should reply with information regarding changes to bans or removal of other punishments.

An appeal appealing a warning:
Name - What is your in-game name?
STEAM-ID - What is your STEAM-ID?
Staff Members Name - Who Warned You?
Roy Harper
Warning Reason - What was the reason of the warning(s)?
Mic Spam
Server - Which Server did this occur on?
DarkRP 1
Story/Situation (What Happened?) -
I forgot my mic was on and Roy heard me type and got mad.
Extra Information - Anything you would find relevant to your warning(s)?
I really didn't mean to do it, sorry.

An appeal appealing a ban:
Name - What is your ingame name?
STEAM-ID - What is your STEAM-ID?
Admins name - Who banned you/who might it be?
Reason - What is/might be the reason that you got banned?
Prop Spam
Server - What server did you get banned from?
All DarkRP servers
Time - How long were you banned for?
Permanent, been banned for years.
Story - What happend?
I don't remember because of how long ago it was but if I spammed props I am sorry.
Proof - Any proof on a video/screenshot that clearly show what happened?
Extra information - Any thing you think may be relevant to your ban.
Sorry for anything I did wrong.

A formal reply to an appeal:
So, thank you for taking your time to make this appeal. After looking through this appeal I've decided that you do not seem truly sorry for your actions. I spoke to the admin that banned you and we've decided to let you stay banned for the remaining time of your ban.

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Last Edit: 2 years 7 months ago by Nafe.
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