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TOPIC: [SSRP] Punishment appeal

[SSRP] Punishment appeal 1 month 2 weeks ago #1428544

Name - What is your in-game name?

STEAM-ID - What is your STEAM-ID?

Staff Members Name - Who warned you?

Punishment Reason - What was the reason of the punishment(s)?
STEAM_0:0:3818233 punished by ded (STEAM_0:0:222313824). Warned on 16/01/2025 - 16:13:56 for rdm
Server - Which server did this occur on?
Story/Situation - What happened?
Since ded was gangster, I wanted to go on my gencoin if everything was ok, then I saw ded near to my gencoin far enought and when I wanted to come closer I saw him ( pretending to hacking my stuff ) but since the moment happend too fast I didn't think he could fake it ) so I killed him and then he warned me like instantly without telling me or let me defib at the first moment and then refund his magik pistol later on when he said he care a lot on his magik pistol since it was a item has been here for a long long long time and even by trying to defib him later on the warn done and then the magik pistol refunded wich he sent me back cuz it was "his magik pistol" and not mine, he making fun out of me over this situation himself wanted to happend like this and for a staff to push to the irritation of being warned for nothing and especially in a targeted manner especially for so little and in a way to be right by stipulating I quote

there is the clip of what happend:
Extra Information - Anything you would find relevant to your punishments(s)?
ded and far from qualifying as loyal to the staff especially when it comes to handle the f1 when he wants and especially who does them but what goes beyond is to act like this for so little and especially by thinking that it is valid to trap someone by acting like this and pretending not to have done it in order to trap this person who is me, and above all to do my best by trying to "defib" him, "refund" him and also to be sorry for his loss by judging it as a mistake to warn me instantly and not taking a step back and certainly not respecting the key points "staff ethos" which stipulates
We recommend all staff to remain calm and friendly when dealing with users in the community, this way we ensure that the relationship between the staff and users remains good and leads to a friendly environment." and
Previous Punishments because it's been a long time since I had a "rdm" not linked voluntarily and especially that it's never the case often mistakes or other but to the point of getting warned for the same reason especially since the last one was always ded with regard to the accident with shark (shooting me and pretending that ded saw it and who denies everything and warns me) I prove that it is still proof of his role as staff and he seems not to let himself be felt too much and rather acts at his ease
and above all that all this plays on the mental and I think that ded does not realize that breaking the mental of others and acting unfairly by always doing his best in general is disgusting on his part and that makes me even sadder for the staff at the moment and for myself too, I can't even think about all the people who are in the same situation as me where it plays on their mentality and that people persist or anyone to play with that is not what I would like to allow when I play video games and especially with this type of person
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[SSRP] Punishment appeal 1 month 2 weeks ago #1428546

I think this says a lot about your character the fact that you went to instantly bringing up old scenarios that are unfactual. This should say something about your character and your ethics. If I recall correctly, you were previously trying to make up a case about defamation. Isn’t it so funny that you are trying to sully my good name under the justification that you deserve any leniency in any regard even though you spend every day drumming up drama and harassing other players. In fact, I think if anything, I think we are far past the idea of a verbal as you play the rulebook to the tee but decide to throw a fit whenever anything slightly inconveniences you.
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[SSRP] Punishment appeal 1 month 2 weeks ago #1428547

dont rdm next time
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[SSRP] Punishment appeal 1 month 2 weeks ago #1428548

Agameplayer wrote:
I think this says a lot about your character the fact that you went to instantly bringing up old scenarios that are unfactual. This should say something about your character and your ethics. If I recall correctly, you were previously trying to make up a case about defamation. Isn’t it so funny that you are trying to sully my good name under the justification that you deserve any leniency in any regard even though you spend every day drumming up drama and harassing other players. In fact, I think if anything, I think we are far past the idea of a verbal as you play the rulebook to the tee but decide to throw a fit whenever anything slightly inconveniences you.

I'm going to tell you your truths right here I've been in the community for a long time I've been through a lot and I'm sure you would never want that to happen to you and I wouldn't even wish it on my worst enemy every day people like you in the mental or in the physical (in game) you act as if you were irreproachable and you throw yourself on it or you let others do it, because this scene that happened it doesn't bother you to play the victim and to act because you are a staff but you also have responsibilities to hold and the fact of not respecting them makes you like me a player on a server who must respect the rules so don't tell me that you are irreproachable because when there is a problem or other I show it with proof, the several problems that I had with you only put a coin in the machine once again, the number of times you irritated me in the chat and that I said nothing goes far from what you say on "harassment" a word that is too easy to use when you feel like it in general when it comes to saying "gg coco" or "take it" or "futa porn" etc, whether you see it or say it you are part of this community that harasses people and you in particular someone who is part of the staff and therefore someone who must enforce things it goes BOTH WAYS not only what you have defended so much but I see you denying the n-word and only punishing what you didn't like I am referring to blackie chan how many times do people say the n-word and you do nothing but when it comes to someone else there is no problem? what about the third point, if I cite moments from before that you could have committed how does that change the thing, I am only repeating what you have committed and which once an accumulation of evidence that I prove via the evidence that I have shown and even more do not try to make me pass for the bad guy while you are the person who is arrogant and irritating today and even in the future by openly mocking me and laughing because the warning in question was simply a pure ploy to harass me even more and this is valid while obviously with my experience, and how it happened it is not valid and even more a deception to make me warn easily
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[SSRP] Punishment appeal 1 month 2 weeks ago #1428549

RDM is RDM buddy , you are COOKED COCOLAD
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[SSRP] Punishment appeal 1 month 2 weeks ago #1428550

Man it’s almost like I do ban blackie and then you start crying at me and saying “bad cocolad” there’s no winning with you
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[SSRP] Punishment appeal 1 month 2 weeks ago #1428551

Agameplayer wrote:
Man it’s almost like I do ban blackie and then you start crying at me and saying “bad cocolad” there’s no winning with you

maybe but you risk losing everything with the tons of punishment that you let flow in the chat or elsewhere do not feel offended when we tell you the truth in fact but you do nothing but deny it is good?
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[SSRP] Punishment appeal 1 month 2 weeks ago #1428552

Let’s not mention YOU letting your own GANGMEMBER get away with it. The hypocrisy is insane. You will report anyone else for the “n word” but if blackie states it 50x you don’t bat an eye or make a f1 out of it (I would take action if you did!) BUT U DONT.
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[SSRP] Punishment appeal 1 month 2 weeks ago #1428553

Agameplayer wrote:
Let’s not mention YOU letting your own GANGMEMBER get away with it. The hypocrisy is insane. You will report anyone else for the “n word” but if blackie states it 50x you don’t bat an eye or make a f1 out of it (I would take action if you did!) BUT U DONT.

It's up to me to police it. I could turn the question around as I said, "why do you only punish what you want" and not what deserves it? The question is that compared to you, do I act when I see that the result has not been given?
and what's more it's completely INCREDIBLE TO SAY TO MAKE a f1??? WHILE YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE NOT TO TAKE WHEN IT COMES TO MEMBERS OF YOUR GANG or people you like WOW the hypocrite that you are thank you huh
exemple that one guy said the n word ( and got a proof of it ) u didn't managed to MUTE HIM EVEN WHEN BLACKIE CHAN ASKED TO DO IT ??????
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[SSRP] Punishment appeal 1 month 2 weeks ago #1428554

Sorry sinz your f1s get filtered through a bullshit o matic. Sometimes (100% of your f1s) they get filtered and the f1 menu doesnt show it. But if by some miracle. One of your f1s is valid and not petty I’ll take it!
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[SSRP] Punishment appeal 1 month 2 weeks ago #1428555

bad cocolad dont rdm!!!
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[SSRP] Punishment appeal 1 month 2 weeks ago #1428556

Agameplayer wrote:
Sorry sinz your f1s get filtered through a bullshit o matic. Sometimes (100% of your f1s) they get filtered and the f1 menu doesnt show it. But if by some miracle. One of your f1s is valid and not petty I’ll take it!

it's good to make fun of me as much as possible, I show it that you're making fun of me, not for lack of warning you cuz you are even proving it in this appeal how u behave as a staff so
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[SSRP] Punishment appeal 1 month 2 weeks ago #1428557

Agameplayer wrote:
Man it’s almost like I do ban blackie and then you start crying at me and saying “bad cocolad” there’s no winning with you
bad cocolad unban me cocolad
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[SSRP] Punishment appeal 1 month 2 weeks ago #1428558

Agameplayer wrote:
Let’s not mention YOU letting your own GANGMEMBER get away with it. The hypocrisy is insane. You will report anyone else for the “n word” but if blackie states it 50x you don’t bat an eye or make a f1 out of it (I would take action if you did!) BUT U DONT.

hey man don't pick and choose. the choice is indeed in your hands all moments of the day
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[SSRP] Punishment appeal 1 month 2 weeks ago #1428573


sinz just wasted at least 3 and a half bottles of water from the use of ai in this appeal, this is unacceptable and i think he should be banned and wiped for causing environmental harm

also: think about how much water sinz has wasted by using chat gpt to generate all of his reports and appeals, this man is the worst offender of causing environmental harm in the community
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[SSRP] Punishment appeal 1 month 2 weeks ago #1428574

percocet bobby wrote:

sinz just wasted at least 3 and a half bottles of water from the use of ai in this appeal, this is unacceptable and i think he should be banned and wiped for causing environmental harm

also: think about how much water sinz has wasted by using chat gpt to generate all of his reports and appeals, this man is the worst offender of causing environmental harm in the community

Rdming in game wasn't enough to fill his needs so he has to rdm irl
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[SSRP] Punishment appeal 1 month 2 weeks ago #1428575


I mean you did rdm him, ive seen it from his point of view and he never once attempts to hack your gencoins, he was standing there with a magik laser pistol out the entire time, he doesn't need to accept a refund for your punishment to be taken back, considering you currently have other recents you should be more careful with how your dealing with situations!

on a side note if you have a problem with how ded is as a staff member feel free to make a staff report, id rather not read through your chatgpt texts tho so please make sure you actually write it!
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