Login to ZARP
Name - RotationStation
STEAM-ID - STEAM_0:0:28483929 Admins name - Unsure Reason - Trapping players in props Story - Last night on the server was chaos, everyone was prop killing, spawning giant props ect... I was getting fed up of this so I began trapping these certain players in props, which I now look back on with regret. I understand that this wasn't the right action to take, and I probably shouldn't have retaliated. I apologize for my behaviour, but I really meant no harm to server, if anything I was trying to help. Please can you unban me, as I love the Zarp server and wish to carry on playing on it. Once again, I apologize for this, and I can promise that it wont happen again. Proof - This is the video which got me banned, which shows me trapping player in a prop. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9Iwl74T ... e=youtu.be Extra information - What server did you get banned on? - zarp1 How long, was it was perma? - Just said form ban What date and time did this happend? Yesterday late at night Any witness? Yes there was an admin on at one point, who condoned me trapping the prop killers, although Im not sure what his name was. |
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You got banned for a reason. Which was proptrapping, I suggest you never do this again -Support
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I can assure you, it wont happen again. As you can see in the video, there is a while bunch of people prop killing. I was simply trying to stop them.
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Just wait your ban, I think it was something like 1000 minutes.
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It was 1000 mins.
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If this "Admin" gave you permission to proptrap the minges, maybe you should have just proptraped the minges, instead of everyone on the server.
Besides, if there was an Admin on, why would he say you can prop trap them instead of, i don't know, baning them? |
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I have much proof on you. |
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Wait out your ban please, you deserved it. |
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You got a ban re-quest and then you got banned wait out the time its just a day and then never propblock again]
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