penE wrote:
Name: |E| penE
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:84256119
Who banned you?: Mai Boy SyStem
Reason: RecentPunishments
BanTime: 2 Weeks
Time Left: 1 Week, 4 Days, 14hrs, 50mins
Why I should have a reduced time or be unbanned: Honestly I would understand if I did not have my ban shortened or removed b/c I'm a selfish, foul mouthed, disrespectful, rule breaking, semi racist cunt. Like EMP told me to do wait a few days on the ban and reflect on why you were banned and what you can do to prevent this in the future, so an hour after I was banned I made a post to help me get feedback from the community and I got a lot of comments and I read all of them and I realized all the people I thought liked me had deep feelings about me and how I act. I've been reflecting over these 3 days and I feel if I come back I can be a new person and hopfully a better person in new and current players eyes and have a new appearence on ZARP and again I understand if I don't get what I want from this appeal but this is a try. Thanks for reading!
I give you one more chance
good luck fam