KermitTheDog wrote:
Extra information - I want a week ban not a perma ban because I was not racist or said I was gonna ddos the server. tanks
I always love how people like you(people who break rules/try and destroy our server), always come on here thinking they are entitled to something. Demanding that we lower your ban to a week. All 3 of the reasons provided to you are each alone enough for a perma ban. So even if you didn't be racist/make dddos threats. The fact that you were trying to crash the server ( especially for fun because your friends wanted you to do it), shows clearly you are not respecfull or mature enough to handle playing here.
This is denied as you honestly don't seem sorry, someone who is sorry doesn't try to leverage something else as reason to forgive ones past crimes. They man up and apoligieze for all they did, exept the punishment and move forward. You may reapply in 2 weeks time.